12 old and 12 new trends in the PR industry

Which of the predictions at the beginning of the year has remained a trend, what has changed and what has 2022 taught us so far?

3 min to read
Written by: Marina Čulić Fischer

At the beginning of the year, we wrote about trends in the PR industry that await us in 2022 in an excellent article by our colleague Sara Huljak Jurković. It was in January, before the war in Ukraine, inflation and recession. What has changed since then, and what remains in the wake of what we detected then?

1. We cannot count on predefined (annual) plans, i.e. we must be ready for rapid and sometimes significant changes. Agility, both industrial and organizational, has once again proven to be a paradigm of survival and growth.

2. PR and (digital) marketing go hand in hand. The proven thesis is that a successful PR campaign requires the inclusion of digital channels in all its phases – from social networks, through the engagement of influencers, podcasts and native articles on web portals. Unfortunately, the reach of print media is still in decline.

 3. Budget cuts due to external circumstances did not support the trend of directing PR strategies toward niche groups (with some exceptions), but we continued to strive to achieve the best possible reach in the widest possible population. It may sound as a paradox, but mathematics is inexorable. Return on investment (ROI) is still the main measure of success. The good news is that with PR activities ROI is constantly increasing.

4. The growth of investment in influencer marketing has slowed down (this is a subjective impression). In a situation of general uncertainty, brands do not want to risk leaving communication to third parties.

5. We couldn’t wait to get rid of online events and switch to “live” socializing, whenever possible. However, autumn is uncertain, so maybe we’ll once again embrace a form that saves time and money.

6. TikTok continues to grow unstoppably in reaching the younger population (and increasingly the older ones), but brands in Croatia are still learning how to access this social network. The pioneers will collect the cream.

New trends that will (hopefully) remain 

Among the other trends that appeared during 2022, I would point out:

1. Increased need for brands, companies and organizations to show their “human face”. Solidarity and support for vulnerable groups have never been more important in building a good reputation.

2. Video is still an increasingly attractive format, but production-wise it no longer has to be demanding and “washed up” to the smallest detail. “Raw” but authentic video clips reach the target audience more easily and quickly. Similar situation is with other forms of content. Keep it short and simple.

 3. E-commerce is constantly growing. PR professionals must find a way to help brands get on that wagon.

4. Managers are expected to “live” company values ​​and personally and publicly stand up for the principles behind their companies, such as inclusion, equality and diversity. Companies that actively nurture the diversity of management teams delivered 33% higher EBIT and 19% higher revenues last year. It is therefore not surprising that communication and interaction on LinkedIn are constantly increasing. More than 700,000 LinkedIn profiles are currently active in Croatia.

5. Companies are increasingly looking for help of communication experts when it comes to their current business situation, internal communication and up-to-date communication with major stakeholders. We would add also crisis communication support on social networks, as well as eliminating fake news.

6. In the domain of social responsibility, along with inclusivity and the fight against discrimination, the topic of environmental protection is increasingly important. However, the trap of greenwashing, which is easily detected and does not contribute to the positioning of brands and companies is constantly present, so be careful which partners you choose and where you direct your budgets. Choose long-term sustainable initiatives instead of short-term actions.


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