Master Public Speaking in 10 Key Steps
While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
For the third edition of DIABLOG, which will be held in Kaptol Boutique Cinema, we have prepared more than 30 speakers and 11 hours of program.
The program will be held parallel in two halls, and beside lectures, presentations and workshops, there will be also three round tables to discuss current topics related to Croatian and regional content creators and influencer marketing.
The main theme of conference will be covered through a round table called “Authenticity of Bloggers and Influencers and impact of GenZ”, moderated by Ivan Brezak Brkan (, blogger, founder and editor in chief of Netokracija portal. His guests will be Matej Lončarić (Joomboos), Milan Vučićević (Nichim Izazvan), Ivica Kostelić, Lana Klingor Mihić and Andrea Andrassy.
The third annual survey of the blogging scene is just open, and all interested creators of content can participate in it by October 31. In the last year’s survey, except from the best brands, the best blogger were awarded, and the most influential was chosen. This prestigious award went to the hands of Ella Dvornik (I am Ella), who also won the award for the best blog in the category of travel. In the categories of fashion, beauty and gastro, the best were Matea Frajsberger (Click4Chic), Maruša Plenković (Beautybloggette) and Sanja Mijac (Domaćica Sanja).
Early Bird registrations are available until November 1 through Entrio.
And be always updated with news from Dialog.
While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
How much attention do we pay to holiday campaigns? Are we more attracted to innovative concepts or traditional motifs? We found the answers to these and many other questions by conducting the Vox Populi survey in December.
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