7 tips for successful results on social media

We bring you the key tips on how to reach to as many social media users as possible, increase their engagement as well as the audience that follows your pages or profile.

5 min to read
Written by: Katarina Peroković

Trends on social media and social media are continuously and rapidly changing. However, through years of experience managing social media communications for companies, brands and people in different industries and various platforms – it turns out that there are a few universal tips that are worth paying attention to for successful communication in a social media environment. They are as follows.


1. You don’t have to be on all social media.


Without a clear view of where the desired target group is and the goals they want to achieve, it is easy for brands to spend time on media which do not contain their desired audience, or for which they do not have the resources. Instead of superficially running several channels, decide on one or two where there is a target group that you want to devote time and money to creating a relationship with. Then, your content will be tailored for that specific platform and the interests of the audience, which will be reached more easily.


2. Use attractive visuals and video content.


Although it is simpler and less demanding for us to post a static visual, short video content often shows better results than static posts. If you have the resources and the ability to produce, in addition to photos and infographics, be sure to include different video content in your content calendar, such as short TikToks or Reels, animations, but also video interviews, testimonials and similar other formats that you can offer a richer experience and more information.


No matter what content format you use, you need to be eye-catching and convey a clear message. Do not forget how important consistency and homogeneity with the ideology of the brand and the desired standard is, of course, in terms of a consistent visual identity and recognizable features.


3. Communicate with followers.


Communication on social networks is not a one-way process. Your goal is to attract the audience and encourage them to “talk back” to the brand. Answer all inquiries in a timely manner and as specifically as possible, and do not forget that it is important to provide information that can facilitate the process of making a purchase decision for your (potential) customers.


A good method for consistently responding in a timely manner is to designate a certain time of day when your inbox must be empty. When we say inbox, we mean all messages, comments, tags and mentions that you need to reply to. Automated responses and notifications of when you are available for communication can also help you.


At the same time, take into account that it is you who should encourage communication, through the visual content of the announcement and accompanying text (copy). If your copy or video content ends with a period or as a finished story, the communication will probably stop. Instead of concluding a thought, ask your followers what they think about you, which product they like more, what emotions they have towards your services or products and how they use your product.


4. Use UGC content.


User-generated content (UGC) is content that your followers create that is related to your brand. Share it on your pages! In most cases, they will be happy for you to share it, and you will get additional content for your profiles. This content has additional value because it shows your followers who is using your products and services with satisfaction. If you don’t have organic UGC, you can push the content by sending a PR package. At the same time, do not forget about copyright and definitely ask for permission to use and publish the content of other users.


5. Collaborate with influencers.


If that can fit in the budget, yes, work with influencers. Choose wisely the people who will represent your brand, and if you choose well, it will, in addition to the visibility of the brand, also affect the growth of numbers on your social networks. You can find tips on how to choose the right influencer in the article Five steps to choosing the right influencer, and in Five steps for a successful influencer campaign, wherein we reveal how to successfully cooperate with influencers.


6. Organize a prize contest.


The occasional organization of a prize contest and a well-chosen contest topic can encourage audience engagement. The concept should be easy to participate in, and the reward should be motivating. It’s important not to ask your followers to spend too much time because, much like yourself, they don’t have it at their disposal. The “KISS”, or keep it short and simple, is the golden rule; and, if you manage to include influencers, you will most likely reach a new audience and successfully draw attention to your profile. Of course, pay attention to the legal provisions and the rules of the individual social network. Read more about it in Tips & Tricks: Organizing a prize contest on social networks.


7. Advertise content.


Yes, you can do without ads, but it is easier and faster to reach the desired audience with their help. Sometimes the lack of ads is not a problem (yes, there really are products and content that are so attractive in themselves, as well as innovative products without competition in the target market, which turn out to not need a “boost”), but this is rarely the case. In conclusion, don’t run away from advertising, design ads wisely and you will attract the attention of the target group that you want to convert into users.



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