Ana, this newsletter will bring you a new client!

If you are interested in the title, learn four more ways to improve your newsletter

2 min to read
Written by: Dialog Komunikacije

Source: JaneFriedman

Email remains one of the main communication channels, especially in brand categories, and its application is found in almost every industry. Therefore, a newsletter can have a big impact on overall marketing success and organizational growth, and we bring you several ways to empower that growth:

1. Create a personalized call

An invitation to subscribe is the first step towards building a newsletter, and it must be specific to what the newsletter offers. By using “Subscribe to my free newsletter” you’re showing a lack of innovation, which will certainly not attract a lot of subscribers. The subscription invitation should be tailored to the brand/person/agency and should not contain words that are often used, such as: “free”, “newsletter” or “sign up”.

2. Conduct testing

Create an A / B test newsletter by creating two newsletters and changing one piece of content on one. You will send one version of the newsletter to the first 50% of subscribers and another version to the other 50% of subscribers and see which one has better results. For starters, it’s best to test the newsletter headline first – to find out exactly what motivates your readers to open an email at all.

3. Include additional value

Add the unexpected to the expected by offering readers information you couldn’t get anywhere else. Each time, think about how to add something that should delight readers or make them smile.

4. Use a variety of formats

Use a variety of text formats to highlight parts that are important to the message and ensure readers don’t miss good content (or a call to action). Most subscribers will spend about five seconds on the newsletter, so it is important to intrigue them quickly.

5. Ask your readers for their opinion

The opinion of the reader is very important. Not only does this provide newsletter quality data, but feedback sometimes opens up new perspectives. This way you will have a better insight into how you design the newsletter, what the content is like and when to send it. This does not mean that every suggestion should be used, but if you are looking for feedback – be prepared to respond to it.

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