Corporate activism and society changes

This time, through our Vox populi survey, we wanted to find out the opinions of respondents about corporate activism and its impact on the companies image.

2 min to read
Written by: Viktorija Stukar

We conducted the last Vox populi survey in March 2021 and it involved 86 respondents, half of whom believe that corporate activism has already become a commitment of companies. Interestingly, a high 73% of respondents perceive company engagement as good marketing, but most of them (84%) at the same time believe that such engagement contributes to positive changes in society.


Activism is a pleasure

Slightly less than half of the respondents (47%) stated that the company in which they have been employed has supported some of the global or local socially responsible actions in the last year. When asked why their company was not engaged in such a way, the respondents cited the underdevelopment of the domestic market, lack of vision and empathy, and insufficient financial resources as the main reasons.

The majority of respondents (88%) believe that the engagement of domestic companies in this area is not satisfying, so it is not surprising that some employees have independently decided to become drivers of change. Thus, 53% of the responents gave a proposal for engagement on a socially useful cause to the company in which they were employed, and in case of 56% of respondents, employees of their company gathered on their own initiative to support some of the socially useful actions.

Two-thirds of respondents believe that corporate activism greatly influences the attitudes and engagement of employees, and for most of them (77%) it is more of a satisfaction than an obligation.


Competitiveness of socially engaged companies

Respondents responses show that 61% of them would support corporate engagement by preferring to buy their products or services, but the same number of them do not believe that social engagement should be a justification for higher prices of products or services.

Absolutely all respondents agree that activism has a positive effect on the image of companies, not only among consumers, but also among potential employees.


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