Everyone is playing rock and roll

Regional role of reputation managers and consultants is becoming increasingly important.

2 min to read
Written by: Dialog komunikacije

At the panel discussion titled “Playing Rock and Roll: The Whole ex-Yugoslavia” (cro. Igra rokenrol cijela ex Jugoslavija) held during the Croatian Public Relations Association Conference on December 1st in Split, some of the leading regional PR experts gathered –  Vanja Vagić from Mars, Maja Stojanović from Olaf and McAteer agency, Bruno Jelić from Coca Cola HBC, and Marina Čulić Fischer from Dialog komunikacije agency.


Some of the key conclusions from the dynamic panel discussion were:


1. The need for stronger connections in communication efforts in the former Yugoslavia is growing. But, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for optimizing resources and maximizing results. How each company approaches organizing its regional network depends on the structure of the organization itself. It also depends on the complexity of the tasks within corporate communications.

Although this function is nominally responsible for a wide range of organizational support, from internal to external communications, regulatory affairs, and activities related to corporate social responsibility, priorities and needs are not the same in all organizations.


2. The media landscape, political and economic relations in the region are not always equal, so special attention should be paid to setting communication goals and the way activities are implemented, even though global strategies in multinational companies do not differ significantly from market to market.


3. Companies and their brands are increasingly investing in digital communication, although television is still extremely important in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. However, it is difficult to place corporate news on TV if you operate in Slovenia, Croatia, or Serbia, while in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for example, it is significantly easier.


4. Socially responsible and sustainable corporate practices are high on the agenda of multinational companies. The level of investment depends, among other things, on the location of the factories, and true change takes time.


5. Although there is a need for engagement of network agency partners at the regional level, companies rarely choose this option because they have different needs in different markets.

One possible response to this situation are regional platforms that combine different centers of excellence into unique hubs tailored to the clients’ needs, and one of them is Central Point Adria, a platform founded by Olaf and McAteer and Dialog komunikacije agencies.


In conclusion, it is noted that things are certainly moving towards stronger regional integration, but it will take some time for the integration to fully develop.


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