Master Public Speaking in 10 Key Steps
While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
LinkedIn is attracting an increasing number of professionals who want to develop a network of like-minded people and increase their business influence.
The concept of LinkedIn has evolved greatly since its inception in 2003. LinkedIn started as a place where you could post your resume and ask coworkers or business partners to leave recommendations on your profile. Today, this network is one of the most popular social networks in the world, with more than 750,000 profiles in Croatia, a rise of 11% over the previous year.
A majority of users are between the ages of 25 and 34
Although more than half of LinkedIn users are in the early stages of their professional careers, it is crucial to note that interaction on the social network is increasing regardless of age. Conversations between new connections on LinkedIn increased by over 50 percent last year. LinkedIn is becoming extremely popular as a tool for self-education, keeping up with the business of organizations of interest, and exchanging business ideas. It’s a business-focused network with 722 million members, so it’s mostly useful to B2b businesses. You should demonstrate competence in your field of activity and operate as a source of information in order for your material to stand out. It’s also a good idea to make the content fun.
The key to a successful reach
Commenting on, replying and sharing other people’s posts, as well as exploring photo or slide galleries, engaging in surveys, and watching videos with audio on, can boost your reach by up to 50%. The amount of engagement in the first two hours after a post is published has a significant impact on reach, which is further boosted by comments and replies to other people’s postings. According to an analysis of the LinkedIn algorithm completed by Dragan Petric, one of the top domestic LinkedIn influencers, from February 1, 2021 to February 1, 2022, the ideal time to publish is on weekday mornings or after 5 p.m., as well as on Sunday evenings. Keep in mind that posts published on Fridays have a 10% lesser reach than ones published on other days of the week. Posts with visuals have a higher reach than those without. Also, longer posts perform better on LinkedIn than shorter posts, but it is necessary to remember that a good introduction is crucial. The best amount of posts per week is 3-5.
Creator Mode: Possibilities and Pitfalls
On LinkedIn, how you use hashtags is also crucial, so Mr. Petric calculated that posts with 4-5 hashtags, posts that include repeating hashtags, and posts that are specified by Creator Mode had the most reach. Tagging, on the other hand, can have a beneficial or negative impact on reach, depending on how the tagged individual reacts. The reach is boosted by 20% if the tagged person comments or reacts to the tag within the first 15 minutes of it being posted, and by 5% if they do so between the 15th and 120th minute. It’s important to note that private profiles can be changed to Creator Mode, which has no effect on reach but double the number of followers. The number of connection requests, on the other hand, has been cut by 75%. Keep in mind that a shared post from your own business profile has 80% less reach than a shared post from the company’s profile, and that such a sharing has no effect on the company’s profile’s reach. Finally, be careful about what you put on LinkedIn; social network does not tolerate incorrect information or unjustified reporting of it. Any application that is not supported will increase the reach of the post by 10%.
And be always updated with news from Dialog.
While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
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