Everything you need to know about the Instagram algorithm change

We’ve explored what the latest Instagram algorithm change means for users

3 min to read
Written by: Štefica Škarika

Instagram has announced new algorithm changes. As they explained, until now they ranked the content so that creators with a large number of followers, as well as creators who reposted other users’ posts, received more reach in content recommendations compared to smaller, original content creators. With the new algorithm change, they want to give all creators an equal opportunity to reach new audiences. Below, we provide more details on what changes await content creators and other users of this social network.

Better reach opportunities for creators with few followers

Content creators with a larger number of followers have had an advantage in the recommended content section until now, but with the introduction of new changes, that should no longer be the case. The new changes in the algorithm should benefit all original content creators, regardless of how many followers they have. Original content that follows Instagram’s guidelines and has no visible watermarks will be shown to a small audience that the algorithm thinks will appeal to them, regardless of whether they follow that content creator or not. The greater the engagement of the audience on the post, the post will be shown to a slightly wider audience, then even wider and so on.

Preference to original content

Instagram has decided to reward creators who invest a lot of time and effort in creating original content. In the future, among two or more identical contents on the platform, the Instagram algorithm will recommend the original one.

Removing aggregators from recommendations

In order to discourage content aggregators, that is, users who often post other people’s content and display it as their own, such content will not be displayed in recommendations on Instagram. Users who post content from other Instagram users 10 or more times in 30 days will not appear in recommendations. These accounts may start appearing in referrals again after 30 days have passed since they last posted non-original content. This policy will not apply to publishers who have signed licensing agreements with Instagram and posts that have permission from content creators.

We asked one of the most popular Croatian influencers, Lucija Lugomer, how she comments on the announced changes in the algorithm: “I definitely support Instagram’s support for smaller creators because I was once in that role and I remember how difficult it was for me.” Everyone who tries should be given their five minutes under the spotlight, and I myself follow many such profiles. On the contrary, I feel that there are less tensions and a more pleasant atmosphere on such profiles.”


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