Generation Z: New standards in the workplace

A Vox Populi survey in May showed that the majority of respondents believe that members of this generation are more creative and enterprising than previous generations, and all believe that business and private life balance is more important to them.

2 min to read
Written by: Katarina Peroković Dujmović

In the Vox Populi research that we conducted on social media, we focused on Generation Z, whose members were born in the second half of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, in a business environment. We paid special attention to their comparison with earlier generations and motivation in the workplace.


They drive significant changes in the job market

The majority of survey respondents collaborate with members of Generation Z as part of their business function, as many as 85% of them on Instagram and 81% on LinkedIn. More than three quarters of respondents on Instagram have colleagues who are members of this generation. The majority of them, 83% to be exact, believe that generation Z brings significant changes to the job market, while almost three-quarters of our followers (73%) evaluate generation Z positively in terms of business, while slightly more than a quarter of respondents evaluate it negatively.


Creative and enterprising, but less responsible

Half of the respondents on Instagram and a slightly larger number of respondents on LinkedIn, 62%, believe that members of generation Z are more demanding as colleagues compared to older generations. At the same time, almost three quarters of our respondents on Instagram believe that members of this generation are more creative. The same percentage of respondents also believe that they are more enterprising. A much lesser percentage, only 22% of respondents, believes that members of Generation Z are more responsible.


Focus on the balance of business and private life

The majority of our respondents on Instagram (73%) and LinkedIn (69%) believe that generation Z is more interested in the social responsibility of the company they work for than the older generation. At the same time, as many as 87% of respondents on Instagram believe that a positive business environment is more important to generation Z than to earlier generations. All respondents believe that a good balance between work and private life is more important to them, with a very high percentage (86%) of respondents believing that this generation is less engaged at work.


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