“Hepatitis can’t wait!”

How we did another educational campaign for the Croatian Association for HIV and viral hepatitis, which emphasized the need to accelerate efforts to eliminate hepatitis

2 min to read
Written by: Tea

The Croatian Association for HIV and viral hepatitis  has once again joined the campaign on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day, which is celebrated on July 28, with the aim of raising public awareness of the importance of prevention, early detection and treatment of viral hepatitis. Hepatitis is still a global public health challenge, as every 30 seconds in the world, one person loses their life as a result of hepatitis-related diseases.

Key messages

This year’s national campaign “Hepatitis Can’t Wait!” was active from July 14 to August 1 in healthcare facilities, civil society organizations, social networks and the media with an aim of connecting the healthcare system and people who were at risk of contracting viral hepatitis or mercury with hepatitis without being aware of it. Therefore, we wanted to send the most important messages through various communication channels:

  • People who live with viral hepatitis without being aware of it CANNOT WAIT FOR TESTING
  • People living with viral hepatitis CANNOT WAIT for vital treatment
  • People living with viral hepatitis CANNOT WAIT for the elimination of stigma and discrimination associated with these diseases.

Multifunctional quiz

The campaign was divided into two phases. The first, teaser phase, included sending a press release about the beginning and importance of the campaign and launching an educational quiz on the official Instagram profile of HUHIV. The quiz was held via an Instagram story once a week, and after the quiz, the exact results would be published to emphasize the followers of the importance of testing and education about hepatitis. In addition, we used the results of the quiz for the second phase of the campaign in which we sent a press release on the day of World Hepatitis Day about the five most common myths related to hepatitis.

Based on the response of the followers of the IG profile @volimzdravlje, we came to the conclusion that many people are still unfamiliar with the term of hepatitis B and C and that continuous education through educational health campaigns is needed.

The overall results of the campaign were very good: a total of 19 media publications were made, and the number of followers of the Instagram profile @volimzdravlje increased, which was visited by 24% more people compared to the comparable period before the campaign.


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