How we became stars on TikTok

Check how we set up communication on this platform and take a look on our most popular works.

4 min to read
Written by: Marko Sitar

Everything is said about the popularity of TikTok, so it is not surprising that more and more brands and companies are thinking about how to actively communicate on this social network. Data from 2023 show that over 225,000 well-known brands are active on TikTok, either through their own profiles or through content creators who promote them. As for the number of active users, it exceeds 1.7 billion in the world today, which is a growth of as much as 390% compared to 2018.

We launched the agency’s TikTok profile @dialog_komunikacije in 2022 in order to promote the agency among TikTok users and to educate ourselves about the then relatively new platform. In the meantime, we started to have fun designing and creating TikTok content.


Spontaneity and quality in focus


We draw inspiration for TikTok video content from everyday office life, which we often associate with mainstream culture and trends that are current at that moment. These are often situations in which everyone can recognize themselves, their colleagues or their boss. Unlike other social networks where we are present, our communication on TikTok is much more casual and spontaneous. This is exactly the reason why this social network is so popular today and has more and more users every day.

Our publishing dynamics is at least one video per week, with an emphasis on the quality of the content in relation to the quantity. We prefer to skip posting a video during the week when our busy schedule and work obligations do not allow us to be fully creative. Some of our TikToks have over 80,000 views, and with a total of 60 published TikTok videos, we have achieved over 15,000 likes so far.


In order to inspire you to get on this platform, below we bring you our most viewed TikTok works in the past year and a half:


When your boss follows you on Instagram


A good moment in which we recognized the trend and the acting skills of our colleague Štefica resulted in the absolute winner among our TikTok videos when it comes to views. With over 80,000 of them, this is by far our most viewed TikTok video.


Ono kad dobiješ request #office #officelife #officehumor #pragency

♬ Benny and Chiquitita – reymifasol


When your boss asks you why you leave work early


Although the Dialog team is in most cases in the main roles of our TikTok videos, sometimes we test some other formats like the CapCut filter where we use popular clips from mainstream culture. In this case, it was the comedian Lester Green, better known as Beetlejuice, who did a great job of following up on the situation when your boss asks you why you leave work early.


Evo samo minglam tu nešto #officelife #office #agencylife #prlife #whatareyoudoing #nothing #beetlejuice #beetlejuicebway

♬ original sound – Dialog komunikacije


When they ask you how your year was at work


Our last TikTok post before the holiday break was a brief recap of the past business year, which was probably full of challenges for everyone in the communications industry. When you add popular audio to that, a TikTok video is created that has collected over 65 thousand views in just two weeks. Hashtag #relatable!


Sretan Božić i Godina Nova! #officelife #balkantiktok #fyp #fypbalkan #avakarabatic #novagodina #balkantiktok

♬ original sound – Ava Karabatić


Coming to work after the Christmas party


December is a month full of Christmas business parties, which can sometimes end with a few extra drinks and an outpouring of sincerity that no one asked for. The real embarrassment starts only the next day, and apparently a lot of people recognized each other here because this TikTok has been viewed almost 65 thousand times.


Neugodno ???? #officelife #balkantiktok #fypbalkan #fyp #agencylife #pragency #officehumor

♬ original sound – zigzag


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