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While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
We have selected the TOP 5 experts on LinkedIn who have been announced the most influential voices of a sustainable lifestyle and business.
As part of the Top Voices initiative, LinkedIn select creators in different categories every year who, through their content, educate and have a positive impact on the community of people who follow them. LinkedIn Top Voices Green for 2022 highlights 14 experts who share their views and thoughts on the sustainability challenges facing the world and make concrete proposals on how companies and individuals should approach the climate crisis and how to mitigate it.
Below we highlight our TOP 5 LinkedIn profiles that caught our attention this year and are definitely worth following.
A young architect whose focus is the relationship between modern architecture and the natural environment, and how people can contribute to encouraging more sustainable urban planning and development. In her posts on LinkedIn, she mostly focuses on how people “communicate” with all aspects of city life, such as public transport and city streets.
His mission is to stop food waste from supermarkets in Denmark and beyond. Before joining the team behind the Throw no More app, which helps supermarkets digitize the management of end-of-life food, Matt documented his findings while exploring the containers of numerous supermarkets to show their wastefulness to the general public. On his profile, he provides numerous tips on promoting the circular economy and practical suggestions on how to avoid food waste.
Frans Schepers is a vocal proponent of rewilding, biodiversity support and nature-based solutions to climate-related problems. He frequently posts about efforts to boost Europe’s wildlife populations, and the state of the continent’s natural habitats. He balances the good news with the bad, making sure to highlight hard-fought successes by campaigners and other climate-change professionals when they arise.
She points out how companies, countries and individuals can tackle climate change and make a positive impact through big and small steps. As the founder of a company that helps other companies to analyse, reduce and compensate their CO2 emissions, she clearly explains through her publications all the processes and actions that need to be taken in order to reduce the negative impact on climate change.
He is an expert in the sustainable application of the circular economy in organizations and cities. He often writes about how individuals, companies and social communities should raise awareness of their own impact on the planet when it comes to waste management and energy consumption. He also brings important news about the fight against climate change, adding context to it with his own insights and expertise.
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While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
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