Master Public Speaking in 10 Key Steps
While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
LinkedIn story recently appeared on our screens and aroused curiosity so we’ve studied for you how it works, what it offers, and how to make the most of it.
The new option was announced here earlier this year by Pete Davies, Senior Director of Product Management at LinkedIn. LinkedIn story as an informal form of communication on this business network should encourage us to communicate more, exchange experiences and thus build deeper and better interpersonal relationships.
Story lasts 24 hours like the one on Instagram, but with slightly different features. It is visible to your followers, ie contacts, and they can share it with their contacts, who do not necessarily follow you.
You can use relevant hashtags, add GIFs made for business situations, add short text and tag people, and the option to ask questions should soon be available to everyone as well. Additional options such as adding a swipe up link, music, poll, or similar features we are used to, are not yet available.
Analytics of each story will be available only for the duration of the story, ie 24 hours.
Show some interesting clip from your work environment or try to evoke the atmosphere of your office. How important this actually is and how much the work atmosphere affects employee motivation and efficiency you could read in our latest Vox populi survey. This way, potential employees could see much more in you than just the name and give you an advantage when choosing.
Show customers your product from a whole new angle to set it apart from the competition. Show the production process, show how you corrected mistakes during product development and what you thought about when you created it. You can sell something as simple as plain t-shirts that a customer can get at almost any store, but if you show that customer how you looked after the seams, how you invested time in choosing quality materials, choosing environmentally friendly colors and creating a design together, they will surely perceive your product more desirable.
Since LinkedIn is designed as a business network to connect with colleagues, clients, employers, etc., it is generally limited to fairly strict business communication. It is this story format, as you could read at the beginning, that should change that. Your colleagues, clients, or employers experience similar situations, care about similar things, and solve similar problems. This is an ideal way to make it easier for each other, share information, or just laugh together. This way, your relationship will be more personal and better, with more mutual compassion and trust.
While LinkedIn story doesn’t have the same features we’re used to with stories on Instagram, such as sharing posts, that doesn’t mean you can’t share your business news or trending questions on it. The “Question of the day” option will allow you to share some of the current questions with your followers, and they will be able to answer you through their stories, share your question on their story or privately with their contacts. This option is not yet available on all accounts, but soon it will be.
And be always updated with news from Dialog.
While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
How much attention do we pay to holiday campaigns? Are we more attracted to innovative concepts or traditional motifs? We found the answers to these and many other questions by conducting the Vox Populi survey in December.
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