New habits will follow us even after returning to the offices

This time in the Vox populi survey we were interested in how many employees still work from home and whether some of the communication and time management tools helped them with their work tasks.

2 min to read
Written by: Viktorija Stukar

The last Vox populi survey was conducted in February and involved 133 respondents. Just over half of them (54%) still do their work from home. However, the majority (66%) prefer working from the office.

Through remote or flexible forms of work, 75% of our respondents have adopted habits that they believe will be useful to them in the future, and the downside of this way of doing work is that 64% of respondents do not feel connected enough to their colleagues.


Working from home was made easier by time management tools

During work from home, 44% of respondents started using new tools to organize working hours and business tasks. Half of them said that these new tools helped them to perform tasks more easily, and 33% of respondents managed to save time this way. The fact that the majority (56%) will continue to use the same tools in the future shows how useful the respondents find them.


The most popular communication tool is ZOOM

Conference calls on platforms such as WhatsApp and Messenger were tried by 32% of respondents, while the remaining 68% do not consider them professional enough for business communication. For online meetings, most respondents would choose Zoom (66%).

As the biggest disadvantage of this way of communication, the respondents pointed out the lack of non-verbal communication,  not being able to see the reactions of their interlocutor and to a lesser extent the difficulties caused by the delay of the video or sound. Despite these shortcomings, respondents also pointed out the advantages of these tools, which are the ability to communicate between colleagues anytime and anywhere and to arrange meetings quickly and easily.

Due to the pandemic situation, respondents had the opportunity to try some of the tools that are normally charged (63% of them) for free, and these were most often pro versions of tools whose basic features are available for free at all times.


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