Shopping from the comfort of home is a new dimension of fun

The trend started with online stores in China has become one of the best strategies to increase sales and attract new customers, and Western marketplaces are quickly embracing it.

2 min to read
Written by: Katarina Jović


Live shopping is a way of selling and presenting products through a live broadcast on a specific platform, for example, social media like Instagram or TikTok, an application, or a company’s website. In the live broadcast, viewers can see the products presented by the presenter and the link to find the product and order it. During the live broadcast, viewers can also leave a comment and ask questions related to the presented product.


Why using live shopping may benefit your brand?


Live shopping can do a lot to make a company stand out from its competition and attract customers’ attention with something new and unique. For instance, an organization or brand can use a live broadcast to introduce a new product and hire an influencer to host the broadcast.

It is also possible to plan an entertainment program and unique shopping benefits for the viewers. During the broadcast, presenters can immediately see what customers are specifically interested in and whether they like products.

An excellent example is the brand About You, whose application allows you to watch several live broadcasts performed by influencers. Influencers display items as hauls and use them to create outfits for various occasions. Live shopping broadcasts feature different themes, for example, city outfits, couple outfits or capsule collections.


How to achieve a successful live shopping experience?


The first step is to decide the what is the topic of the broadcast. It can be a presentation/launch of a new product, an interview, a haul, or a Q&A with the audience. The next step is to select a platform. Many companies use social media platforms with live streaming capabilities, like Instagram or TikTok, while others make broadcasts using their apps.

Finally, every broadcast needs a host. Depending on the topic and content, influencers, celebrities, TV presenters, or other people who can be interested in this format can host the live event. The presenter is essential to the broadcast because he connects the brand or the promoted products and the audience. 

Keeping in mind the growth of e-commerce and how much time we spend on social media, live shopping is a creative and innovative way to connect with customers. With a good idea and organization, the results will surely come.


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