As expected, the majority of respondents (91%) stated that they like to shop at discounts, and 64% of them would rather go for online shopping than for shopping in physical stores. By shopping online, it is faster and easier to search for different (foreign and domestic) brands from the comfort of home, compare products and decide on the ones that suite best. Also, most stores offer better benefits for online shopping, which further encourages customers to choose this way of purchasing items they want or need.
Given that more than half of respondents (65%) see satisfaction in shopping, it is not surprising that 47% of them will buy things they do not need, just because they are on a discount at the time of purchase.
However, the majority of respondents (70%) said that they buy things on purpose, a slightly smaller number (63%) prefer to choose domestic manufacturers and brands, and a high 45% of respondents pay attention on how environmentally friendly they are when choosing products.
It is known that an important role in sales goes to communication. As many as 86% of respondents said that aggressive promotion discouraged them from buying a product that was already on their wish list. Therefore – be careful with whom, when and in what way you communicate, pay special attention to online sales, offer an occasional special price and take care of the environment, because “green” is important.