Master Public Speaking in 10 Key Steps
While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
Awareness of the negative impact of climate change is growing, but individual efforts are not enough to solve the problem. Business sector will for surely first come up with innovations!
The consequences of climate change, in the form of intense heat waves and droughts as well as extreme rains and devastating floods, which we have witnessed in recent years, can hardly leave anyone indifferent. Climate change is not only a topic in primetime television and on media covers, but in everyday conversations too.
According to a recent Eurobarometer survey on climate change, more than two-thirds of Europeans believe that climate change is a serious problem the world is facing at the moment (77%). Croatian citizens are even more worried about this issue (81%)! Just like their fellow Europeans, they rank climate change as third in terms of the seriousness of the problem, while poverty, hunger and lack of water are in first place, and war conflicts in second place.
Numerous global movements, educational campaigns and symbolic dates such as the International Day of Action Against Climate Change, which is celebrated on October 24, contribute to raising awareness of the problem. It is encouraging that, according to the previously mentioned Eurobarometer survey, in the last six months as many as six out of ten EU citizens have taken steps to reduce the negative impact on the climate and are consciously making sustainable choices in their daily lives. However, when asked who is responsible for solving the problem of climate change, citizens clearly emphasized the need for complex reforms that would accompany individual actions and indicated the responsibility of national governments (56%), the EU (56%), and in a very high percentage also companies and industry (53%).
Among the key activities in the fight against climate change is the reduction of harmful gas emissions, the transition to renewable energy sources, adequate waste management, adaptation of facilities, buildings, production processes, supply chains, transport and the adoption of other sustainable solutions in various business segments. The changes that need to be introduced are long-term and complex, almost impossible in the short term and without joint cooperation, both among different industries and between governments, institutions, the non-governmental sector and industries.
It is clear that numerous innovations are needed to ensure progress in this area, and in addition to time, funding for research and development will be crucial in the race for sustainable solutions. However, an optimistic view of this is that it is the private sector that is the most flexible and the most powerful to truly offer a more sustainable future.
The question arises as to what to do in the meantime, while precious time passes and the negative consequences of climate change become more and more visible and devastating. The business sector must take the initiative and immediately introduce as many sustainable elements as possible into the business. Although it is not realistic to completely change business processes, an office or a production facility in a few months and switch to sustainable energy sources, it is probably feasible to revise supply chains, improve the waste management system and introduce measures to save energy and other resources in office or production operations.
Certainly, it is possible to encourage and educate employees, but also users of products and services to adopt new, more sustainable habits. The size of the company does not have to be a limiting factor in order to take concrete steps – Dialog komunikacije as an Eco Green Office is perhaps the best example of what can change in just one year.
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While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
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