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While some are "born" for public speaking, for others, it can present a significant, yet conquerable, challenge!
Quiet quitting is not a new trend, just a new name for old patterns of behavior, but it represents a serious challenge for employers.
We dedicated the latest edition of the Dialog #VoxPopuli research to the “Quiet Quitting” trend, i.e. quietly giving up in the workplace. We wrote about this trend in our previous blog post, and through this survey we tried to find out what our followers on social networks think and whether it is another buzzword from TikTok or a serious problem for employers.
Almost 80% of respondents stated that they are familiar with quiet quitting. Most of them believes that it is not actually a new trend, but just a new name for old patterns of behavior. Two thirds of the respondents have encountered it in their career. Interestingly, 70% of them also thinks that “Quiet Quitting” is more present in certain industries. As examples, they highlight creative and communication industry. Survey participants mostly think that this phenomenon is related to younger generations (67% of responses). In addition, they also believe that TikTok as a platform promotes “Quiet Quitting” culture (73%).
In addition to Instagram, we also asked some questions from our survey to our followers on LinkedIn. One of them showed an agreement that “Quiet Quitting” is not a passing buzzword, but something that represents a serious problem for employers. There were 83% of responses on Instagram and 64% on LinkedIn on this. Also, the respondents clearly stated that employers are more responsible for this trend, More than 90% of the responses on both social networks confirms this.
When it comes to the causes that motivate employees to quit quietly, more than 80% of respondents on both platforms highlighted poor working conditions. Since “Quiet Firing” is increasingly mentioned as one of the causes of this phenomenon, we also checked how familiar the respondents were with this term. While most of them have heard of it (82%), it is positive that slightly fewer of them (52%) have also encountered with “Quiet Firing” in their career.
When it comes to the consequences of employees quietly quitting, most responses suggest that this is not only a problem created by employers, but something that is more of a challenge for them, than for employees. Also, the respondents say that the issue of employees‘ “Quiet Quitting” must be solved by employers (100% of responses).
As a negative side of “Quiet Quitting” for organizations, the respondents recognize the damaged relationship between team members (67%) more than the poor output of employees (33%). At the same time, they are aware that the medal has two sides and that this situation is not favorable in the long term even for the employee who decided to quietly quit his job. The majority believe that stagnation in terms of abilities and professional skills is the most harmful for employees (62%). However, some of them think that the key negative side of silent resignation is alienation from colleagues (38%).
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