TV is still the dominant source of news, social networks are getting stronger

Croatian citizens trust traditional media the most, while they are cautious about information from social networks and messaging applications, although they use these communication platforms more and more.

2 min to read
Written by: Nataša Blagojević

The media play an extremely important role in shaping public opinion. The recent Eurobarometer survey on media and news in 2023 shows that Europeans continue to get the most information by watching TV, although social networks are becoming an increasingly important channel. The most important research conclusions can be divided into two areas:


1. Media Habits and Trust


77% of Croatian citizens pointed out TV as one of the most used media for accessing news. Online portals and news platforms follow (49%), with social networks right behind (47%), then radio (30%) and print on the last place (16%). Compared to Europeans, we use online portals and social networks more, and listen to the radio and read printed newspapers less. Compared to last year, there is also a noticeable increase in the use of applications for sending messages.

Croatian citizens trust public TV and radio stations (incl. their online presence) the most as a source of news (46 %). This is followed by private TV and radio stations (29%) and written media (25 %). Despite the high consumption of content from social networks, Croats are reserved regarding the credibility of information in this environment.

When it comes to topics, information and news that Croatian citizens consumed the most, among the top five are local news (63%), European and international issues and sports (both 42%), national politics and lifestyle & hobbies (both 38 %). Interestingly, compared to the results from 2022, the biggest increase in occupations was recorded when it comes to national politics (+8%).


2. Social Media and Content Creators


Croats mostly use social media to follow news and current events (59 %). In addition, they use social media to send messages to family members and friends (56 %) and view video and photo content (56 %). WhatsApp (68 %), Facebook (66 %) and YouTube (52 %) lead in terms of usage, compared to other social media and messaging applications.

Around one third of Croatian citizen follows influencers and content creators on digital platforms (32%). The creator’s content that they prefer most are reviews of products, places, books, etc. (51 %) and video tutorials, the typical content of which is how to make something (49 %). They are significantly less interested in comments on political, economic and social life (35%) and insight into the daily life of creators (24%).



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