We started collaboration with the Entertainment Laboratory

The Entertainment Laboratory Association was founded with the aim of promoting, developing and improving the culture and skills of storytelling and communication.

2 min to read
Written by: Dialog komunikacije

In the year in which we celebrate twenty years of business, based on the proposals of our employees, we decided to support association which core business is education of children and youth because we firmly believe that, without education, there is no quality communication, which is the core of our business.

The Entertainment Laboratory exists for nine years and is primarily engaged in children education, encouraging them to master and adopt storytelling skills with emphasis on creativity development.

Recent projects of the Entertainment Laboratory include Storylab, Friends’ Bench, People Who Inspire Us and Who’s Whispering There (financial literacy for children and youth), and a number of new activities are planned for summer and autumn. In addition to parents of preschool and school children, the creative approach of the Entertainment Laboratory is increasingly used by companies for various types of education and promotion.

In the last twenty years, Dialog komunikacije has supported a dozen non-profit associations pro-bono. We have collected and donated funds, food, equipment and supplies for the Croatian Red Cross, the Center for Community Services Zagreb – Dugave, the Center for Education Krapinske Toplice and Shelter for abandoned animals of City of Zagreb Dumovec. We are proud of all the projects behind us and look forward to working with the Entertainment Laboratory!


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