While employees identify with their employers, they don’t necessarily see themselves as their ambassadors

The corporate image of a potential employer and an online presence are important to employees, but at the same time, less than a third of them think they should be ambassadors of the company on social media.

2 min to read
Written by: Katarina Peroković Dujmović

In this month’s survey, we dived into the interesting world of employer branding. We were interested in how important the employer’s reputation is to our followers on social media. We investigated their priorities when looking for a job, and we also found out if they contribute to the image of the company they work for after working hours.


EVERYONE wants to work for companies with a good reputation

The reputation of their (potential) employer is important to all respondents, both on Instagram and LinkedIn. At the same time, almost all respondents believe that the image of the managers affects the perception of their employer altogether (95%).

When we talk about the employer’s representation, most of our social media followers (86%) believe that it is important for their employer to have online channels that are representative of the company’s image. Whether their employer implements social responsibility projects was important to approximately the same number of respondents, 85% of them.


Transparency is appreciated

In the next part of the survey on employer branding, we were interested in how our followers feel about the disclosure of salary in job advertisements. The majority of respondents on Instagram and LinkedIn (96% and 91%) believe that employers should flag the amount of salary in job advertisements. For 93% of respondents, in addition to salary, additional benefits are also important.

In an open-box question, respondents revealed to us that corporate culture, work environment, team, level of responsibility, working hours and freedom in creative tasks, are also important to them. The company’s financial results are also important for a very high percentage of respondents, although slightly less compared to these other, more intangible benefits (86%).


Distinction between personal and professional social media use

At the end of the survey, we explored whether our followers view themselves as brand ambassadors for their employers and whether they share news from the company on their personal social media profiles. It turned out that only slightly more than half of respondents on Instagram consider themselves ambassadors (57%), and an even smaller percentage, 45% of them on Instagram and only 33% on LinkedIn, publish news from the company on their personal profiles.

An even smaller number, only 30% of them, believe that they should do so. Despite this, 70% of them consider that the company they work for is part of their personal identity.





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