Winners of awards for 2020 announced on DIABLOG

The results of the research showed that content creators earned more this year than last

2 min to read
Written by: Dialog Komunikacije

Yesterday, at the fifth edition of DIABLOG, the winners of the awards chosen by the creators of content for 2020 were announced. Awards for the best creators were given by categories:

Beauty: Korana Marović
Fashion: Pamela Smoljanić
Gastro: Sanja Mijac
Travels: Kristijan Iličić
Fitness: Martina Boss

Ella Dvornik was named the most influential woman for the fourth time, and the three best brands for cooperation with content creators in 2020 were Lidl, About You and NIVEA.

In addition to the announcement of the best content creators, we presented the  results of Croatian blogging and influencer scene research, which has been conducted by the Dialog komunikacije agency since 2016. The main conclusion is that the scene is maturing – content creators are getting older and more and more of them are constantly employed, and they consider their channels as business.

Facebook presence is falling, TikTok is growing rapidly

Compared to last year, the categories of gastronomy and travel decreased in terms of the number of authors working in these segments by 10%, the presence of creators on Facebook also decreased, while the presence on TikTok doubled, so now they are present on that platform (25.9%).

Bloggers, influencers and YouTubers in 2020 earned more than a year earlier  – the average monthly income for a third of them (33.3%) was higher than HRK 7,501 – and more and more of them were engaged in entrepreneurship, and used their influence on social networks and for starting other businesses (29.6%). Advertisers blame the lack of focus on the quality of content, and the media a negative attitude towards influencers, although most of them see the future in cooperation with the media (35.2%). Video and authenticity remain the leading trends in influencers marketing, and forecasts for 2021 are optimistic for most respondents (46.3%).

The survey was conducted in December 2020 on a sample of 59 respondents, using the in-depth online questionnaire method.


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