Women are dominant in the communication profession – myth or truth?

A Vox Populi survey in March revealed that the majority of respondents believe that men have better prospects for employment in the labor market, but that there are still more women in the communication profession.

3 min to read
Written by: Katarina Peroković Dujmović

In the month dedicated to women, in the Vox Populi research that we conducted on social media, we put the emphasis on women in the workplace. We paid special attention to marketing, public relations and the media. The research revealed that, despite the majority of participants believing that men have better prospects for employment in the labor market, they all believe that women are dominant in these fields.


Women are paid less and are not protected enough


Almost all respondents believe that women in Croatia are paid less than men, and the majority of respondents, 81% of them, believe that men have a better chance of getting a job than women. At the same time, the majority also believes that women are less represented in management positions in Croatian companies compared to men. At the same time, a negligible number of respondents, 3% on Instagram and 16% on LinkedIn, believe that women in the workplace are sufficiently protected by Croatian laws.


Women become unemployed due to motherhood


In the next part of the survey, we were interested in women’s discrimination on the basis of gender in the business environment, and the results showed that slightly more than two thirds of respondents believe that women are discriminated on a gender basis in the workplace. At the same time, all respondents believe that women are faced with inappropriate comments at work more often than men. Most of them also believe that women are more often faced with inappropriate questions during a job interview. A very high number (82 %) of respondents believe that there are situations in which women become unemployed due to motherhood or family reasons.


Men get promoted and make decisions


In the last part of the survey, we examined the opinion of our followers on social media about the percentage of women in workplaces in marketing, public relations and the media. Although all respondents believe that marketing, media and PR are predominantly female professions, an equal number of respondents believe that men are more often managers in these areas, compared to number of respondents who believe that women are.


Although three quarters of respondents believe that women have better opportunities for employment in these professions, as many as 61% of our followers on Instagram believe that men have better opportunities for promotion. On LinkedIn, there is an equal number of the respondents who believe that men have better opportunities and respondents who believe that women have better opportunities for promotion.


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