Creativity and Helping Those in Need are Key to the Success of Holiday Campaigns

How much attention do we pay to holiday campaigns? Are we more attracted to innovative concepts or traditional motifs? We found the answers to these and many other questions by conducting the Vox Populi survey in December.

3 min to read
Written by: Bruna Trze

The holidays are a time when the lights become brighter, the streets more vibrant, and brands compete to best capture the magic. But how much do we really care about what brands are doing during this period? We conducted a survey on Instagram and LinkedIn to find out what attracts our social media followers to holiday campaigns and what impressions these campaigns leave on them.

How Much Attention Do We Actually Pay?
It seems that holiday campaigns fly under the radar for a good portion of the audience—45% of respondents on Instagram admit they pay very little attention to them. On the other hand, 30% follow the campaigns with great interest. When asked what catches their eye the most, the most common answer was—creativity! Half of the respondents on Instagram and a quarter on LinkedIn enjoy seeing something new and imaginative.
But it’s not all about the visual impression. Music and emotions also play a significant role, while special offers do not win as many hearts. Interestingly, holiday campaigns somewhat positively influence brand perception for more than half of the respondents, while the rest remain neutral.

Holiday Campaigns – An Opportunity for Creativity or a Constraint?
When it comes to creativity, holidays seem particularly inspiring. Almost two-thirds of respondents believe that campaigns during the holidays are more creative than at other times of the year. However, not everyone is convinced—some believe that holiday themes impose certain limitations. Most of our followers see these campaigns as just good marketing, although some view them as pure sales efforts.
Tradition plays a key role in the success of holiday campaigns. Over 60% of respondents on both Instagram and LinkedIn prefer traditional holiday motifs over innovative concepts.

Social Responsibility – The Heart of Holiday Campaigns
The holidays are a time of giving, so it’s no surprise that respondents believe social responsibility is an important part of every campaign. More than half of the respondents on Instagram think that including socially responsible elements in communication is very important.
Donations to those in need are by far the most appreciated form of social responsibility, while supporting the local community also ranks high. Many notice that brands increasingly promote socially responsible activities during the holidays, and most believe this period is ideal for strengthening a brand’s positive image.

In the end, it’s clear that holiday campaigns have their audience, and creativity and social responsibility are key elements that can leave a positive impression. Brands, take note—holiday magic can be much more than just marketing!


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Creativity and Helping Those in Need are Key to the Success of Holiday Campaigns

How much attention do we pay to holiday campaigns? Are we more attracted to innovative concepts or traditional motifs? We found the answers to these and many other questions by conducting the Vox Populi survey in December.

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